Food Allergy Fix ™ is the first evidence-based book to describe the inner workings of Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) for the treatment of anaphylactic food allergies. Author, Dr. Sakina Bajowala has been a leading authority of oral immunotherapy, SLIT, and allergy testing in our Facebook OIT support groups since 2012 when she joined our Desensitization Directory. ™ “OIT […]
Our Doctors are Writers Too!
Dr. Soh Wrote a Book!
DR. SOH WROTE A BOOK! Look what came in the mail today! Dr. Soh’s new book. Let me jump on my laptop and I’ll share his interview and Amazon link. *Heads up altered vaccines schedule friends, 1 1/2 pages (out of 161) detail an “anti-vaccine” example that will not sit well with you. But he […]