New to OIT? See Dr. Perin and Chilka Rawan, PA-C, on the NBC NY News discussing their OIT program. Scroll down his profile page on our OIT101 website and click on the news link.
Or click on the direct link to NBC NY here.
Of course NBC had to consult with a doctor who doesn’t offer OIT as well. Fine. It just makes us more grateful to our Private Practice OIT Allergists who have risen to the needs of their patients to offer this life-saving treatment. I secured treatment for my son in 2009. I didn’t know at the time, but Dr. Jain in Oregon had started offering OIT in 2007. My son wasn’t allergic yet though. He became anaphylactic to peanuts when he was 4 years old.
Whatever the case, I think we all agree that an entire generation of children have essentially been denied treatment while the researchers research and the manufacturers team up with them, and Wall Street, to offer to the masses. Here’s an idea, why don’t they offer continuing education classes for the allergists so they can choose whether or not to offer OIT in their offices? Quoting Dr. Nash, retired OIT Allergist, “If you could receive treatment in your own city, why would you join their clinical studies?”
As for “cure,” well it might be a matter of vocabulary at this time because Dr. Burks himself said, “Over time, there’s a change in the DNA and the allergy just goes away.” Call it what you want. I call it NO MORE REACTIONS EVER!!! Our local and OIT allergist both said the chance of our son ever having another peanut allergy reaction is highly unlikely. Even still, we carry epipens and following all the OIT Rules of Dosing– just to be sure.
Thank you Dr. Perin and his right hand Chilka! Great job!