What is going on with the attitude people? Admins, myself included, dedicate every possible minute to providing a place for you to learn about OIT, connect you with OIT specialists, maintain documents, websites, posts, databases, various platforms, etc…
1. Our website might show a doctor’s name who has been removed because it’s over 400 pages with videos, blogs, maps, etc… We do not have a web development or IT department. It does not make us “irresponsible” or “disingenuous” if we miss something. It makes us BUSY!!! Busy working here and not there. Busy searching the names to remove them here and there and various other platforms. Names are embedded in links and documents that require reformatting, rewriting, re-something. It’s not as simple as deleting a doctor from the List, especially if they purposely make things more difficult by hiring legal counsel.
2. There are over 100 OIT allergists in our organization, not all listed for various reasons. It is YOUR responsibility to make the ultimate decision of who to see–not ours. I can “match-make” you as best as I can based on what you tell me and knowing the doctors and how they work, what ages they prefer, and so on… but the decision is YOURS.
Some of my dearest friends have chosen to see a doctor not on our List. I’m worried, but keep it to myself. They have problems, and I keep it to myself. There is nothing I can do to help if you chose someone not on our List. We can tell you they’ve been removed but that’s it. Certain doctors have hired lawyers to deliver cease and desist letters specifying we are not to discuss the reasons they have been removed in groups or in private messages. Ironically, the reasons aren’t what you would think. And since your greatest fear is that they have killed someone, no. No deaths have ever occurred in OIT. The worse thing we’ve seen with removals based on medical care is the doctor allowing NPs/PAs/nurses to take over their OIT program without adequate qualifications and knowledge to do so. The other would be doctors who misrepresent their protocols and practice outside of our comfort zone. (“Rush” to 1 peanut on Day 1, injections, etc…)
Lastly, thousands of members have come and gone through our groups and treatment. For the most part, our doctors remain. I will not betray their confidence by engaging in sidebar discussions that could tarnish their name and/or livelihood. If members complain and the determination to remove the doctor has been made, we do not have legal authority to tell you why. You should give us the benefit of the doubt that we’ve tried everything possible to work it out with that doctor. Sometimes, it’s just not a good fit. Harassing us in private messages will only get you removed from our groups. “Asked and answered.”
Here is our LIST post describing the process a little bit:
“I guess we’ll just have to do it ourselves.” Well, yes. Maybe you will. And then please come back and share with us what you’ve found so we can add it to our lists of products. These lists were made to better serve you. They are not all-inclusive of every allergen or manufacturer because they just aren’t– we haven’t had the overwhelming need to devote our energy there compared to other things like adding doctors.
4. In contrast, we have some members who are “wearing out your welcome” by offering medical advice and obligating Admins to keep track of your posts. This makes our Admins grumpy and they will remove you from our groups if you do not heed their warnings. No one has time for such things. And since I’ve trusted our Admin team with the care of our groups, asking me to “fix it” after you’ve been removed will not work. They are the most tolerant, fair, committed group of people and Admins I have ever known in social media and the physical work space. I am honored and beyond grateful they take time out of the lives and schedule to run our show.
~ I have 2 sick children and need to take care of them. Please take care of each other and HELP our Admins and our organization instead of making what we do problematic.
Thank you,